Saturday, August 16, 2008

Blaw Grohl

While you're all waiting for me to get back in the mindset of writing often, I've given you some options to keep yourself entertained. I've expanded my sidebar blogroll significantly, to include, as far as I can think of right now, all of the blogs that I check with any regularity. If your blog is missing and you want it on the list, let me know and I'll add it. If your blog is listed but you don't want the extra attention, let me know that too.

I've also switched to an alphabetical list, because I don't want to take the time right now to rank my friends. Someday. However, that has left Amy Buell at the top of the list, and she has posted on her blog exactly twice this year. It doesn't seem right that she should have the first spot. Maybe this will motivate her to write more, or maybe Aaron, Adam, Aja, Allan or Allyson (the names in my phone that come before Amy) to start blogs. Failing that, I'll have to convince Amy M to change her last name to Biddleton.

I have to say, there's an impressive array of writing talent just a click away over there on the right, as well as a bunch of folks who write much more frequently and are much better photographers than me. Thanks for all the entertainment you've provided me, and keep it coming!


Aaron said...

Teri and I have a blog. It's I want to be first in your list. I think it'll be the first time I've ever been first in anything.

Amy said...

THAT is harsh!!!! Have I mentioned that I'm now spelling my name Aamy??

shabba shabba said...

I'm ALWAYS in the middle. Doesn't matter if people go from front of the alphabet to the back or if they "mix it up" and go from back to front. Doesn't matter if they use first or last name. My parents cursed me to be average-height-average-weight-brown-hair brown-eyes-middle-of-the-alphabet-Joe.

I've got a pretty sweet scar on my eye though. That's distinctive.

Anonymous said...

whew! for a moment, i thought you were going to say something mean about my secret boyfriend, dave grohl. i'm glad he is safe from your vitriol, at least for now...

jeff said...

Sorry, Aamy. I still love you. But I do wish you'd write more often.